Being a woman is not easy. I’m not comparing it to being a man because I’m not a man and don’t really understand a man’s struggle. I’m simply saying that being a woman is not easy. I’ve always heard older women say it and maybe have said it before without really understanding it when I was younger. But right now, as I type this, and you read it – I feel the struggle that is being a woman, especially in the career aspect of my life. On my birthday the one person who knows me best, my mother, blessed me with this book: Nice Girls Don’t Get The CornerOffice 101 Unconscious Mistakes Women Make That Sabotage Their Careers byLois P. Frankel, PhD . This book explained the anxiety that has been haunting me most of 2012. I’ve worked hard, taken on new tasks at work, took on courses and challenged my writing. But I couldn’t get rid of the feeling that I was doing something wrong or missing something. I tried to fill this feeling by working longer hours, spent less times w...